Human Rights

N.E. CHEMCAT has established a human rights policy that respects the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international norms and prohibits all forms of workplace discrimination. The policy also clearly states that we will cooperate with relevant stakeholders and not be complicit in any human rights violations, even indirectly.

Human Rights Policy

  1. We will respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international norms, comply with laws and regulations, and promote initiatives towards respecting human rights.
  2. We will not allow discrimination, harassments, or other acts of human rights abuse in the workplace. We will respect the diversity of our employees and will foster a lively workplace environment.
  3. We will encourage supply chain partners and other stakeholders to take initiatives towards respecting human rights, and will not take part in any human rights violations.
  4. We will identify the adverse human rights impacts in our business activities and strive to prevent and mitigate such impacts, and to address such impacts when they occur.
  5. We will carry out awareness-raising activities for officers and employees to embed the Policy throughout the Company.

Harassment Prevention

The company will in no way tolerate any violation of human rights, including discrimination, harassment, or any other forms of harassment in the workplace for any reason. When a case of suspected harassment is found, the protection of the victim shall be given the highest priority, and after careful investigation of the facts, if harassment is found, it shall be dealt with strictly in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, and internal rules.

CSR Procurement

We are working to eliminate human rights abuses within our supply chain by stipulating the prohibition of forced and child labor and the use of conflict minerals in raw materials, among other requirements, in CSR Procurement Guidelines, while also sharing these guidelines with our suppliers and other stakeholders.